I got the idea to write an analysis of the gender differences in Mass Effect when I first fired the game up. In the best of circumstances, games that offer a binary choice from the very start have two different experiences to offer. One thing that has been on my mind ever since I was made to choose what gender I wanted my commander Shepherd to be was that if I played the game only once, I would be playing only half of the game. Knowing ahead of time also that I would be venturing down either the paragon or renegade pathway, I was curious to see how those choices would reflect on Shepard's gender and vice versa. What I found was that gender and morality were integral to the mood of the story and to my reception of the overall gameplay experience.
When I played through the game the first time, I chose to play as a man because it was the simpler choice for me to make. I have no problem with playing as a woman in a video game (unlike certain groups of childish buffoons), but choosing to be John Shepard was almost a reflex. I was about to get caught up in a sweeping space opera and I wanted to feel like I was the one on the front lines fighting for humanity's freedom. At a certain level that's what games are all about. There are some obvious exceptions, and of course this gets into the age old debate of whether violent games are actually murder simulators which instruct the players on how to commit acts of violence in the real world. But if I am seeking a certain level of agency in a game, I want as few steps as possible between taking myself out of reality and vesting myself in a character. Playing as a man removes one of those steps, whereas playing as a woman makes me feel less like I am the hero, and more like I am watching a woman carry out extraordinarily heroic actions (my feelings on this have subsequently been altered which I will expound upon later). It is easier for me to think that I am the one inside the game saving the galaxy if I share as many traits with the character as I can. This is also why I chose to perform all of the paragon actions and dialogue options. It feels more appropriate to me to do good deeds and to use conversation skills in order to get people on my side rather than coercing or even threatening others into agreeing with me. It's what I would do if I were actually Commander Shepard, so it's what I'll do when I am virtually Commander Shepard.
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I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite pair of cargo shorts on the Citadel. |
The male Shepard, when played as a paragon, carries with him a sense of strength and courage without bravado or machismo. He is a selfless warrior, doing his duty not because he seeks the glory nor because he is an adrenaline junkie like the renegade Shepard might be. He does the things he does because he feels that it is to the benefit of everyone involved whether it might not seem as such to someone in particular. Paragon John has a utilitarian sense of morality whereby his actions should effect the greatest net pleasure for everyone involved, while minimizing pain.
In contrast, the renegade male Shepard does things out of a sense of paranoia or because it will benefit him and his team and their cause. His morality is almost based on a Rand- or Locke-esque perspective. Everyone is responsible for themselves and their own well being and Shepard should do everything he can to increase his odds of winning. Both of these angles are illustrated by several instances throughout the series. In Mass Effect 2, for example, you come across someone in the back alley slums of Omega who is injured and dying and you are given the opportunity to give him first aid. In my run as Paragon John I healed him, and apart from the benefit I received in the form of XP and "good side" points, the feeling I got was that I was a benevolent and charismatic leader who was working to improve life throughout the galaxy. From the lowliest thug in the streets to the safety of entire species, I have been tasked with saving everyone's lives. In addition, it made me, as a player, a little warmer and fuzzier inside. I knew that it wouldn't improve my chances with any of my teammates romantically, so that wasn't my motivation, nor was I expecting any money or items from the poor, dying soul. The only thing I knew for sure I would get from the interaction was a boost to my paragon rating. And at its core, that is what altruism is all about. We do good things because they make us feel good. And it is a quality which we look for in our male leaders.
The worst form of reprimanding he will ever suffer will be a slap on the wrist and a stern talking-to from The Illusive Man. Cerberus wouldn't dream of cutting off Renegade John's resources or supplies, because he can justify it all as necessary for the war effort, which is their mutual goal. The Illusive Man doesn't seem like the kind of person who doesn't like having his employees under his thumb. Renegade John is too much of a managerial liability.
In contrast, Paragon John, though he is not the kind of person to fully submit to authority, does not agree with Cerberus' and The Illusive Man's agenda. His first priority is the protection of the galaxy. He wants safety and order to return but not necessarily at any cost. He does not care about Cerberus's goals, and similarly to Renegade John, he uses his position as the most powerful warrior in the galaxy as leverage to get The Illusive Man to keep providing funds and supplies despite the fact that they both have vastly different personal motivations. If Cerberus were hiring for a job and Paragon John was interviewing, I don't think The Illusive Man would have even thought to call him back after his answer to the question, "So, why do you want to work for Cerberus?" And when it comes to romance, frankly I would imagine him trying to avoid it in the workplace. When given the option of choosing to romance with either Ashley or Liara, I actually chose neither.
I chose what I believed to be the path that would lead to the fewest complications and the highest focus amongst my team. In Mass Effect 2 my romance path was guided partially by the conversation options that I felt would come across as the least harsh, as I did not want to come across as a dick. I picture Paragon John as pragmatic yet endearing. But because he does not share Cerberus' ideology and values, I do not think of him as The Illusive Man's employee of the month.
I actually think that Paragon John's qualities make him the best man for the job. His traits lend themselves well to being a good and effective leader. Renegade John might make for a leader but maybe not for a good or effective one. Renegade John is susceptible to his own senses of greed and selfishness which could get in the way of successfully competing the mission. Paragon John is focused on his mission, which is ultimately the safety of everyone in the galaxy, and all of his actions are geared toward that end. That includes everything from his side missions to the way he interacts with his crew members and even total strangers. Alternatively, Renegade John is an asshole. It comes as no surprise to me given that many of the men that I have known to follow a sort of "renegade" mentality have also been assholes, and they almost always make for poor leaders.
I think that the choices I made were perfectly suited for each other during my first run through of Mass Effect 2, and it is my opinion that to play through as Renegade John would make for both an unfeasible and unenjoyable experience. We have yet to see how the morality system affects and is affected by the female gender, though. Stay tuned for more discussion on this topic.
Until next time, happy gaming.
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